The present situation has put us in place where we need to think, the way we have been living so far, needs to change. What are our priorities, what matters most. How each one of us is connected to the other and our actions have impact on others. We need to live in harmony with nature. Our physical comfort are coming at the cost of the nature and nature is crying to heal. Our actions as collective humanity has brought us to this point where our planet earth needs to heal.
We are focused on achieving more of outer success and this is happening before our inner preparedness. We value more of outer success than inner richness of spirit. In our spirit to conquer more we have neglected so many things, nature is one, animal rights, exploitation of people at lesser power, regional politics or international politics of financial wars. We are acting out of greed rather than well being of humanity as a whole.
When we are rich from inside, we do not act unconscious, we take responsibility of our actions, what results it will bring to others because we all are connected and harming others is harming oneself.
What is richness of spirit?
It is contentment, love, giving, kindness, truth, brotherhood and simplicity. when you are rich from inside your wanting more drops. The power struggle drops because you feel powerful from inside. Wanting more is show of ego and giving is sign of spirit.
Inner strength only comes by practicing human values and it is good for humanity as a whole. It is vulnerable, it is authentic and it will not use power or violence even if it is at a disadvantage. It takes time to bring results, there are no short cuts, where as by using power or force you can achieve quick results but they may not be benefiting for all.
Inner strength comes with a price to pay, but the level of comfort it brings by doing the right thing , it is worth practicing it.Report this
Outer success will find its direction through inner revolution.
Sangeeta Sharma.